Don't we all have our days where we are super motivated and others where we just feel lazy, and really down, as if we were dragging ourselves every minute? 

But then, we also have those days where we wake up motivated and tell ourselves we are going to eat a super healthy breakfast, go to the gym, finish our tasks, do all the things that need to be done- but then, we just don't do it. We don't do anything. Why? What happened?

For starters, a few things:

1. It's great to plan ahead, but also important to leave room for the unexpected occurrences throughout the day. 

2. Don't pack it all at once. It's not healthy to overwork and expect so much from yourself when you know the day cannot hold that capacity.

3. Stick to 1-3 things max that you want to accomplish in that day, and tackle them hard. 


4. Make room for your hobbies for that is your mental health. Go to the gym, write, paint, dance, etc. Seems so old fashion cuz who even has hobbies other than scrolling today? Its is super important! Your brain needs it, your body needs it. You'll feel so much better!

5. Make sure to do at least half an hour of physical activity per day. If you can't get yourself to be active, maybe check your diet. Eat something energizing! 


6. Personal time: prayer, meditation, stretching, walking, listening to a good lecture. This soothes the soul.

Remember if you are having a bad day and it's already 4pm, Its not too late to make a change. You have the power to switch your attitude and implement a quick action right now and feel more at peace with yourself. Don't over think it. Just do it, and Remember it's never too late. 

This concept of "never too late" is taken from Pesach Sheni which occurred yesterday. Hashem gives the Jewish people the opportunity to celebrate passover all over again. Even if one ate leaven bread on passover but now celebrates Pesach Sheni by eating matzah and learning a small thing in its honor, its as if he has celebrated the entire Pesach properly. Hashem gives everyone a second chance- you should also give yourself one too.

Last night's dinner in honor of Pesach Sheni: Goat cheese and kale matzah pizza💙

Next year in Jerusalem💗

With love,



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