Hey Guys- (Or shall I say Girls??),

It's been requested I write a post about hair covering. This post is for anyone struggling with hair covering, self- image, beauty and modesty. Below I will share a personal story with you:

As mentioned in earlier posts, I recently just got married and married life is wonderful but let's be real, its an adjustment. One of the most difficult parts of marriage for me was hair covering. One day you're dancing away in your beautiful hair, and the next day you cannot leave your hotel room unless you cover your hair. I mean- what is up with that? How do you even digest such a thing if it happens so quickly? 

Everyday as I would be getting ready in the morning, I would need to add the sheitel (wig) to my daily routine. It was very difficult. And then it got really hard. Two weeks after we got married, we went to San Diego for passover. It was scorching hot. Not only was I just starting to adjust to the hair covering life, but now I had to deal with the struggle in the heat, by the beaches, on the boardwalks, under the palm trees, in the sun. 

I'm not gonna lie, it was brutal. I reached out to some of my newly married friends and asked them if they had it this bad. It didn't seem like it, well at least not to this degree. 

Then I decided to reach out, to the One who made the laws about hair covering. And I asked many questions. Is it suppose to be this hard? Do I really have to do it? Why is this a law? Why so much burden on the woman? I just didn't understand. What was wrong with leaving my hair flowing freely? I've been doing it up until now! I simply couldn't wrap my head around it. (No pun indented.) 

Then, it occurred to me. Why don't I do something to my sheitel? Style it? Fix it up? Maybe it's not on properly? Maybe the band underneath is uncomfortable? Slowly and surely I began to play around with it and make it more ME. And the more I played around with it, the more comfortable I got. All I had to to was fix it up a bit. The first thing I did was put it up in a half bun. And I absolutely loved it! The next day I made it look a little more natural by brushing it out and leaving it a bit messy, once again I began to feel better about myself and the concept of hair covering.

This picture below was my first day arriving in San Diego. I remember my mood being down just because I was struggling with hair covering in the heat.

I absolutely hated how I looked in every single picture. I was feeling very low because of the discomfort.

I even tried different angles, just to see if I was having a bad day or if it really was the sheitel. I took so many pictures- really felt frustrated and stuck.

Until I tried a variety of different styles. I flipped some hair to the left side, and back to the right. Made it messy, then smoothened it out. I really tried so many options. Then started to see a little light with this result. 

I liked this a lot. But it still wasn't ME. I didn't give up. Deep inside I know how important hair covering is for the Jewish woman. I tried countless styles until...

Slowly and surely, I began to find my style. 

And then I learned to embrace it, and its an ongoing process. 

When covering your hair, make sure it's your style. Some women suit sheitels,  and others- Tichels. You have to do whats best for you in order to feel good in your own skin. And remember it's crucial you feel good for you set the tone of your relationship and your home. 

Sometimes the problem isn't the style, rather the comfort. Just take it off, adjust the band, and put it back on again. Some like clipping the sides, some don't. You gotta do what's best for YOU!

I hope this article helped you, Please feel free to comment or reach out personally 💗

With Love, 



  1. So inspiring! Thank you for sharing! Love the selfies.

    1. Aww! Thank you for your feedback!
      So glad I took the selfies, cuz now I can share them here on the blog ;)


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