Hey Guys,
Tznius and style are two tottaly different things and its really important to remember that you can still be tznius and have YOUR OWN STYLE and not follow the cookie cutter style. There are so many different types of dresses and skirts available and today at our fingertips which enable us to dress a way that makes us feel like ourselves and still be Tznius.
A personal Example: I happen to already have a hard time dressing tzniusly. I'm fine with being modest but abiding strictly to the halacha of tznius is an ongoing challenge for me as was written in my previous post. But I do beleive in keeping your style. I am a very sporty and casual dresser, I like wearing running shoes, baseball caps, sweaters, and of course still looking good. If I could, I would wear workout clothes all day, but with a skirt on top-kinda looks shlumpy and ruins the whole energetic sporty look.
Why am I focusing on look?
Your image/the way you dress says alot about you. What you wear speaks volumes without the need for you to open your mouth. Therefore it's crucial to feel good in what you wear in order to make the proper presentation of who you are.
As I mentioned earlier, I dress super sporty and casual, and when I dress overly fancy I just simply do not feel like myself. I think heels look amazing but to wear them on a daily basis I am just not one of those. I choose comfort, and of course still believe in the imporatnce of looking good and feeling good. If you are casual then dress casual. Don't let tznius rue over your style because thats when you'll feel limited and restricted. If you wear something that isn't you whether you are tznius or not you will not feel comfortable. So whatever your style is, apply modesty to it and you'll realize that being tznius will feel a lot easier, and it will also become a choice.
Yes tznius and style are two separate things but we cannot allow one to ruin the other!
Continue being you, whatever style that may be.
Hope you enjoyed this article ♥
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